Ph.D., Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
I am a researcher at Research Computing Center, Lomonosov Moscow State University, investigating agreement variation in Russian. I am also interested in nonfinite clauses, i.e. infinitives and nominalizations, and negative polarity items licensing. In my research I primarily use methods of experimental syntax with particular interest in linguistic variation.
With my supervisor Prof. Dr. Habil. Ekaterina Lyutikova I teach a course on experimental syntax at the Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (Lomonosov MSU).
- syntax
- variation
- agreement
- gender
- NPI licensing
- experimental syntax
- acceptability judgments
- Russian

Contact & Profiles:
- firstname.lastname 432 (at) gmail (dot) com
- Google Scholar
- ResearchGate
PhD Project
Quantitative Methods of Investigating Grammar
(A Case Study of Agreement Variation in Russian)
For my dissertation, I conducted a multifactorial study of binominal copular clauses in Russian (specificational and predicational). My goal was to define a set of parameters that determine agreement variation and investigate whether this set depends on grammatical profiles of individual speakers. I focused on three configurations of gender and person features: mismatch, syncretic match, and full match between the features of potential goals, and conducted a series of acceptability judgment experiments that compared the three configurations.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Habil. Ekaterina Lyutikova.
Defended on June 15th 2023. Learn more [In Russian].
(A Case Study of Agreement Variation in Russian)
For my dissertation, I conducted a multifactorial study of binominal copular clauses in Russian (specificational and predicational). My goal was to define a set of parameters that determine agreement variation and investigate whether this set depends on grammatical profiles of individual speakers. I focused on three configurations of gender and person features: mismatch, syncretic match, and full match between the features of potential goals, and conducted a series of acceptability judgment experiments that compared the three configurations.
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Habil. Ekaterina Lyutikova.
Defended on June 15th 2023. Learn more [In Russian].
As papers in English are currently under preparation, you can find the summary of the results in this presentation and this poster.
Academic background
2021 – now
2019 – 2020
Research Assistant,
Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
Pushkin State Russian Language Institute
2016 – 2018
Research Assistant,
Moscow Pedagogical State University
2019 – 2022
Ph.D. candidate, Applied and Computational Linguistics, Department of Theoretical and Applied Linguistics,
Lomonosov Moscow State University
2017 – 2019
M.A., Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
(with honors), Lomonosov MSU
(with honors), Lomonosov MSU
2013 – 2017
B.A., Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
(with honors), Lomonosov MSU
(with honors), Lomonosov MSU