
Here is the list of my publications in English.
Papers in Russian are listed at the bottom of the page.


Gerasimova A., Lyutikova E. Negative Concord and locality in Russian // Canadian Journal of Linguistics. 2020. 61:1. 31-73. 


Gerasimova A., Lyutikova E. Intralingual variation in acceptability judgments and production: Three case studies in Russian grammar // Frontiers in psychology. 2020. 11:348. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00348

Gerasimova A. When ni- and -nibud’ are logically equivalent: Evidence from Russian nominalizations // Rhema. 2020. №1. С. 9–23. DOI: 10.31862/2500-2953-2020-5-9-23


Gerasimova, A. (2019). Licensing negative polarity items in Russian event nominalizations. In A. Van Alem, M. De Sisto, E. J. Kerr, J. Wall (Eds.), ConSOLE XXVII: Proceedings of the 27th Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe (21–23 February 2019, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin), (pp. 106–117). Leiden: Leiden University Centre for Linguistics.

Loukachevitch N., Gerasimova A. (2019). Linking Russian wordnet RuWordnet to Wordnet. In Proceedings of Global WordNet Conference GWC-2019, (pp. 64–71).

Pereltsvaig, A., Lyutikova, E., Gerasimova, A. (2018). Case marking in Russian eventive nominalizations: inherent vs. dependent case theory. Russian Linguistics, 42, 221–236.


Gerasimova, A. (2017). Gender mismatch in Russian: Quantitative study. Rhema, 4, 50–60.

Loukachevitch N., Gerasimova A. (2017). Human associations helps to detect conventionalized multiword expressions. In R. Mitkov, G. Angelova (Eds.), Proceedings of Recent advances in natural language processing conference (RANLP-2017), (pp. 459–466). Incoma Ltd Varna, Bulgaria.

Gerasimova, A. (2017). Parametrizing intralinguistic variation: Case assignment strategies in Russian event nominalizations. In K. Bellamy, A. Ionova & G. Saad (Eds.), ConSOLE XXVII: Proceedings of the 25th Conference of the Student Organization of Linguistics in Europe (4–6 January 2017, Leipzig), (pp. 284–294). Leiden: Leiden University Centre for Linguistics.


Loukachevitch N.V., Lashevich G., Gerasimova A., Ivanov V.V., Dobrov B.V. (2016). Creating Russian Wordnet by Conversion. In Komp’juternaja Lingvistika I Intellektaul’nye Tehnologii [Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies] 15, (pp. 405–415). Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow.

In Russian

For the original references see this page in Russian 


Gerasimova A. (2024). The asymmetry of accent schemes in binominative sentences: An experimental case study of Russian. Tomsk State University Journal of Philology, 92, 22-57.

Gerasimova A., Lyutikova E., Pasko L. (2024). Linguistic competence through the lens of grammatical variation. Part 2. Quantitative evaluation. Moscow University Philology Bulletin, 5, 111–128.

Gerasimova A., Lyutikova E., Pasko L. (2024). Linguistic competence through the lens of grammatical variation. Part 1. Conceptual and methodological considerations. Moscow University Philology Bulletin, 4, 9–22.


Gerasimova A. (2023). The relevancy of word order for classifying binominative clauses. Russian Language and Linguistic Theory, 2, 180–199.

Gerasimova A., Lyutikova E. (2023). Linguistics and gender stereotypes . To the 80th birthday of O.F. Krivnova.

Lyutikova E., Gerasimova A. (2023). Studying agreement variation in Russian: Problems and methodology. Rhema, 2, 9–27.


Gerasimova A. Towards the classification of Russian binominative clauses. Rhema, 2, 32–66.

Gerasimova A., Lyutikova E.A Linguistic Experiment on the Yandex.Toloka Crowdsourcing Platform: An Evaluation of Its Research Capacity. Zeitschrift für Slavische Philologie, 78(1), 175–206.

Lyutikova E., Gerasimova A., Belova D., et al. Three aspects of linguistic data consistency: estimation and interpretation. Intellectual systems: theory and applications, 26(1), 196–202.


Герасимова А.А., Лютикова Е.А. Лицензирование отрицательных местоимений в инфинитивных клаузах: экспериментальное исследование // Russian Grammar: System — Language Usage — Language Variation. Vladislava Warditz (ed.). — Frankfurt Am Main, Germany: Frankfurt Am Main, Germany, 2021. — С. 177–190.


Gerasimova, A., Lyutikova, E. (2020). K probleme variativnosti yazykovykh dannykh: rassoglasovanie po rodu v russkom yazyke [The Problem of Data Variation: Mixed Agreement in Russian]. Moscow University Philology Bulletin, 2, 25–37.


Gerasimova, A., Lyutikova, E. (2019). Imennoe sochinenie v tatarskikh poslelozhnykh konstruktsiyakh i padezhnoe var’irovanie [Nominal coordination in Tatar postpositional constructions and case variation]. In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Turkic Languages Processing “TurkLang-2019”. V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, 2019.

Gerasimova, A. (2019). Lyutikova E. Struktura imennoi gruppy v bezartiklevom yazyke [Lyutikova E. Noun phrase structure in articleless languages]. Russian Language and Linguistic Theory, 2. P. 212–217.

Lyutikova, E., Gerasimova, A. (2019). Poslelozhnye konstruktsii tatarskogo yazyka: metodiki otsenki vnutriyazykovogo var’irovaniya [Postpositional constructions in Tatar: Methodologies for measuring intralingual variation]. In Komp’juternaja Lingvistika I Intellektaul’nye Tehnologii [Computational Linguistics and Intellectual Technologies] 18, (pp. 412–435). Russian State University for the Humanities, Moscow.

Gerasimova, A., Lyutikova, E. (2019). Prilagatel’noe v konstruktsiyakh s malymi chislitel’nymi: eksperimental’noe issledovanie padezhnoi variativnosti [Adjectives in paucal constructions: Quantitative study of the case variation]. In Russkaya grammatika: aktivnye protsessy v yazyke i rechi: sbornik nauchnykh trudov Mezhdunarodnogo nauchnogo simpoziuma [Russian Grammar: Active Processes in Language. Proceedings of the International Symposium], (pp. 250–255). Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University, Yaroslavl.


Loukachevitch N., Gerasimova, A. (2018) Opredelenie ustoichivykh slovosochetanii metodom assotsiativnogo eksperimenta [Detecting Conventionalized Multiword Expressions by Using a Word Association Experiment]. Moscow University Philology Bulletin, 1, 23–42.

Gerasimova, A. (2018). Rassoglasovanie po rodu v russkom yazyke (eksperimental’noe issledovanie) [Mixed agreement patterns in Russian (experimental study)]. The Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences: Studies in Literature and Language, 77(1), 65–71.

Gerasimova, A., Lyutikova, E. (2018). Soglasuemye i substantivirovannye prilagatel’nye v russkih konstrukcijah s malymi chislitel’nymi: jeksperimental’noe issledovanie [Agreeing and substantivized adjectives in Russian paucal constructions: An experimental study]. Rhema, 4, 50–71.


Gerasimova, A. (2017). Differentsirovannoe padezhnoe markirovanie i lineinaya pozitsiya argumentov v russkikh sobytiinykh nominalizatsiyakh [Differential Case Marking and Positional Distribution: Evidence from Russian Event Nominalizations]. Acta Linguistica Petropolitana. Trudy Instituta lingvisticheskih issledovanij, 13(3), 265–281.


Gerasimova, A. (2016). Parametricheskii podkhod k vnutriyazykovomu var’irovaniyu: problemy i metody [A Parametric Approach to Intralingual Variation: Problems and Methods]. Rhema, 3, 63–74.

Gerasimova, A. (2016). Kategorial’nyi i argumentnyi status aktantnykh infinitivnykh oborotov v russkom yazyke [Syntactic Category and Argument Status of Russian Infinitival Complements]. Proceedings of V.V. Vinogradov Russian Language Institute, 11, 57–71.

Loukachevitch N.V., Lashevich G., Gerasimova A., Ivanov V.V., Dobrov B.V. (2016). Porozhdenie tezaurusa tipa wordnet dlya russkogo yazyka [Generating Wordnet-like thesaurus for Russian language]. In Trudy konferentsii po iskusstvennomu intellektu KII-2016 [Proceedings of the Russian Conference on Artificial Intelligence RCAI-2016], 2, (pp. 89–97). Universum, Smolensk.


Gerasimova, A. (2015). Litsenzirovanie otritsatel’nykh mestoimenii cherez granitsu infinitivnogo oborota v russkom yazyke [Licensing Negative Pronouns in Russian Infinitives]. In E. Lyutikova, A. Zimmerling, M. Konoshenko (Eds.), Tipologiya Morfosintaksicheskikh Parametrov. Materialy Mezhdunarodnoi Konferentsii “Tipologiya Morfosintaksicheskikh Parametrov 2015” [Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters. Proceedings of the International Conference “Typology of Morphosyntactic Parameters 2015”] 2, (pp. 47–61). Moscow Pedagogical State University, Moscow.

Anastasia Gerasimova